This week we are having a follow-up Sound Check Session with Wessos…
Our News
SND Productions had a fantastic run of things during the “Liefde In Jou Sitkamer” live stream…
“What’s so special about today?” you might ask yourself as you read our blog post in your pajamas…
We are immensely grateful for what feels like the relaunch of our country which is why we have decided to collaborate…
We are looking at the beginning of the end for this lock-down as we’ve hit the middle mark …
Despite it being a world-wide lock-down, it’s always been a fantastic idea to put your sound online…
While we are here in lock-down we’ve decided to make the most of it by doing busy work such as giving our rental equipment a thorough…
We are doing what we can to look after our own by laying down the right sort of foundation that will help propel us forward…
We are so super pleased to announce that this past December’s #SNDSummer events in collaboration with Augusta View located in the heart of George….