It was a sunny Thursday afternoon here in Hibernia street when we got the idea to write blog posts dedicated to what it’s like working on the inside of SND. We realised that many of our clients only get to see the end result of what we do, but know very little about the process of getting to where the end result is the desired one. We asked ourselves who would know the process best and the answer was an obvious, SP Smit.
SP SMit is our very own, in-house events manager. If ever there is a man of the hour, it’s SP. We asked him what part of the job he enjoys the most to which he gave the best reply of loving when a plan comes together, what a guy.
Although he feels strongly about the secret perks of the job which is sightseeing & general traveling, the challenging part of the job he says is the same answer as it is for the question of what you wouldn’t know about the job unless you were in the industry already. The answer is straight and simple. It is preparing for the unforeseeable.
When asked what he would have liked to do if he wasn’t forming part of the SND crew, he said he had no idea. All he knows for a fact is that on a scale of 1-5, he is a hard 5 on recommending Windows 10 to a friend.
SP Smit, the crew wouldn’t be the same without you!